The Hermitage

The Hermitage

Block 6
Low Floor
Flat B
Contract Date:
Sino / Chinese Estates / Nan Fung GroupSino / Chinese Estates / Nan Fung Group
1 Hoi Wang Road, Olympic
Sino / Chinese Estates / Nan Fung GroupSino / Chinese Estates / Nan Fung Group

The Hermitage

The Hermitage

Block 6
Low Floor
Flat B
Contract Date:
Sino / Chinese Estates / Nan Fung GroupSino / Chinese Estates / Nan Fung Group
1 Hoi Wang Road, Olympic
Sino / Chinese Estates / Nan Fung GroupSino / Chinese Estates / Nan Fung Group


Free mortgage adviser service
95% Approval rate from banks
Avg. Price / ft² in this estate$21,610/ft²
The average price per square foot of this unit compares to this estateBelow 0.1%
Property Number: H200928482
Update Date: 01/06/2024

Property Valuation

The information and valuation on any property herein quoted are provided by the service provider of Hang Seng Bank Limited (Hang Seng) and are for reference only and are not binding on Hang Seng. Hang Seng does not warrant the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any such information and valuation or whether they are fit for any purposes. Hang Seng also does not assume any liability for any reliance on such information and valuation by any person.

Estate Transaction - The Hermitage

Trans. Price/ft² (SFA)
$1,961 (-8.3%)
Transactions (30d)
4 qty.
Price Trend (12month)

Mortgage Calculator

Monthly Repayment: $29,061
Income Requirement: $58,122/Month

Estate Information

Estate Page
The Hermitage
Total 6 Blocks
964 Units
Date of Occupation Permit
School Net
Car Park Space
142 Residence Parking Spaces Other Parking Space: 3 Accessible Residential Parking Spaces 20 Residential Motorcycle Parking Spaces 6 Residential Loading And Unloading Parking Spaces 28 Visitor's Parking Spaces 2 Accessible Visitor's Parking Spaces
No. of Storeys
Tower 1: 60 Storeys (G/F, Ug/F, 1/F-81/F) * Not Including Transfer Plate, Refuge Floor, Roof, Lift Machine Room Floor And Upper Roof * 4/F, 7/F, 13/F, 14/F, 24/F, 34/F, 40/F-49/F, 53/F, 54/F, 58/F, 64/F And 74/F Are Omitted Tower 2: 58 Storeys (G/F, Ug/F, 1/F-79/F) * Not Including Transfer Plate, Refuge Floor, Roof, Lift Machine Room Floor And Upper Roof * 4/F, 7/F, 13/F, 14/F, 24/F, 34/F, 40/F-49/F, 53/F, 54/F, 58/F, 64/F And 74/F Are Omitted Tower 3: 56 Storeys (G/F, Ug/F, 1/F-77/F) * Not Including Transfer Plate, Refuge Floor, Roof, Lift Machine Room Floor And Upper Roof * 4/F, 7/F, 13/F, 14/F, 24/F, 34/F, 40/F-49/F, 53/F, 54/F, 58/F, 64/F And 74/F Are Omitted Tower 6: 54 Storeys (G/F, Ug/F, 1/F-75/F) * Not Including Transfer Plate, Refuge Floor, Roof, Lift Machine Room Floor And Upper Roof * 4/F, 7/F, 13/F, 14/F, 24/F, 34/F, 40/F-49/F, 53/F, 54/F, 58/F, 64/F And 74/F Are Omitted Tower 7: 52 Storeys (G/F, Ug/F, 1/F-72/F) * Not Including Transfer Plate, Refuge Floor, Roof, Lift Machine Room Floor And Upper Roof * 4/F, 7/F, 13/F, 14/F, 24/F, 34/F, 40/F-49/F, 53/F, 54/F, 58/F And 64/F Are Omitted Tower 8: 50 Storeys (G/F, Ug/F, 1/F-70/F) * Not Including Transfer Plate, Refuge Floor, Roof, Lift Machine Room Floor And Upper Roof * 4/F, 7/F, 13/F, 14/F, 24/F, 34/F, 40/F-49/F, 53/F, 54/F, 58/F And 64/F Are Omitted
Sino / Chinese Estates / Nan Fung Group
Management Co.
The Hermitage Estates Management Limited
Estate Detail Page


Yau Tsim Mong1 Hoi Wang Road